Table of Contents
What is Workflow Automation?
Workflow automation lessens the troubles resulting from manual obligations using software programs to attach systems. Automating the workflow structure in your business enterprise can considerably assist a commercial enterprise lessen the money and time needed to function, liberating up employees to focus on undertaking-crucial targets at the same time as decreasing expensive errors.
13 steps for effective Project Management using Automation softwares:
Step 1: Draw a rough sketch of Business Workflows
The very first step towards workflow automation should be laying down a road map and building the steps/processes. This helps us differentiate between the essential and the non-essential tasks and to clearly define our goals.
Step 2: Process Management Goals
Choose between increasing business growth or increasing the customer satisfaction. Work towards quality of the work instead of quantity. For any successful automation, working on customer happiness will yield you more returns in the long-term. Try to gain as much as trust from the customers by making your brand the one and only. Write down goals focusing more on the customer needs before you begin automation.
Step 3: Automating Workflows Strategically:
Automation is not as easy as writing everything down on a sticky note and then striking off the tasks one by one. It is more like detangling your tangled earphones. You have to carefully focus on one wire by pulling out the other wire only to realize that you have made the knot much worse which is a lose-lose situation for both the company and the customers.
Building strategy is very important before you actually start doing the work. Prioritize what’s vital and try to do that first.
Step 4: Evaluate the impact on Your Team:
Once the automation process yields you success, you may get carried away easily. You may immediately lay off the labours and start thinking about various methods to save money. Focusing on your team member’s demand must be satisfied. Adapting to a new software makes the learning curve high. There is a 99% chance that your team may get tired of your high demands and adopt the previous method or even start their own platforms. This will bring in a huge loss to the company which increases the risk factor.
Step 5: Opting the right tasks to Automate:
Even though your business might give a million-dollar profit, that won’t make your company efficient because of having stagnant processes. Before automating a business workflow, you may have to reconstruct the entire process.
Step 6: Inventing your own Workflow Automation Strategy:
Even the best automation workflow fails because of lack of strategy. To ensure that everything is going in place, rank all the tasks from higher priority to lower priority to determine which is most precious among all.
Step 7: Talk with your staff members about your expectations:
The employees of the company will definitely get worried after hearing about automation. They immediately think of losing their job and start imagining their family. Employees deserve to know their roles and responsibilities in the long term. Have a pet talk with them stating that automation will make their job stress-free giving them more space for creativity and innovation.
Step 8: Choosing the right Automation:
There are so many websites that claim to do business automation. Make sure to pick the right Business Automation software to make the task tracking easier.
Step 9: Low or No-Code to Automate Workflows:
Try to automate the software with low-code application platforms. With minimal use of code, the learning process will be much easier and the automation process would be much faster.
Step 10: Test:
Though it is named as Automation software, manual testing is very much required else you may end up wasting a lot of money.
Step 11: Workflow Automations should be deployed:
Get all your workflows live and deploy them regardless of hiring a third party or doing it yourself.
Step 12: Monitor:
Monitor each and every thing the automation software does. Determine the cost it takes to complete a task. Record the time spent on completing one task. Deduce the error rate. Calculate the number of steps the automation software took to achieve the desired output. The most important thing to record is the added benefits the workflow application has created.
Step 13: Improve
After noting down all the results, compare with the early manual stages and optimize the code. Keep improving the solution until you get satisfied.
Hire a consultant to choose the best automation workflow software for your company. The consultant will help you achieve your company goals and give you a developed roadmap on how to effectively achieve them. At www.highgear.com we effectively automate your workflows with an adoption rate of 100%.