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The A – Z Of WordPress Gallery Plugin

The A – Z Of WordPress Gallery Plugin

Before 2003, thinking of blogging, setting up an e-store, starting an online business, and creating your own websites was not an easy task. But, a new era of creation began after the launch of WordPress, i.e., on 27th May 2003. The simplicity of WordPress Gallery made it widely used all over the world. In addition, the presence of different varieties of plugins attracted even more users to the platform. Before WordPress came into action, thinking of making a website was like a nightmare, but this nightmare soon became a beautiful daydream as an amazing art of creation.

About WordPress

WordPress is an open-source website creation platform. Technically speaking, it is a Content Management System (CMC) designed with the help of a Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) by using the database of MYSQL. It is a mind-blowing platform for websites and is free of cost.

Moreover, WordPress consists of some additional codes that help users add some extraordinary features to their creations. For example, one of the most frequently used WordPress plugins is the WordPress Gallery Plugin.

WordPress Gallery Plugin

Studies have shown that the human brain can remember an image for a very long time compared to some words. Therefore, adding images to a website rather than words looks more attractive to the viewers and creates an unforgettable memory of your website in their minds. This is where the WordPress gallery plugin comes in handy. It comes up with some excellent features, which are as follows:

Often developers mess up with the various plugins that are present in WordPress, by using all of them at once. The massive number of plugin usage can make the user’s website slow as it includes some unnecessary code. Therefore, it is important for the developer to choose the appropriate plugin. Some of the frequently used basic plugins are:

16 Best WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins - Kinsta®

Image Optimizer

While making a website, developers often use some images to make their website more attractive. But, unfortunately, images may cause alignment problems, and the grids may not look appropriate. That’s when Image Optimizer comes into play.

Some of the best Image Optimizers are:

Portfolio Images

In order to make an appropriate portfolio, a lot of things should be taken into consideration. Every piece of work should have a relevant context. Moreover, the design should be unique enough to catch people’s attention without shifting from the principal motive of the portfolio. Some of the amazing portfolio images are discussed below:


In order to keep the visitor long on the website, developers need to make their website more attractive. And this is the reason the WordPress Gallery plugins are highly used by the developers. These plugins are a complete package of every essential ingredient that must be present while building a website. They facilitate developers with the availability of all the elements in one place, making their job easy and speedy. With all these features, WordPress and its plugins can prove to be a great helping hand for techies and can help you make some of the most attractive websites to show them off in your portfolio.

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