The American mailroom is almost somewhat of a folk legend at this point in time. How many movies and T.V. shows have you seen that have featured a mailroom at some point or another? If you consume a lot of these types of media there’s a good chance that you’ve seen a lot of it. That being said, isn’t it a little odd that we’re in the middle of the technological revolution and you can still occasionally find a twenty-year-old piece of media that has a mailroom that looks awfully similar to the ones we use today? That’s because not much of the technology we have available has been utilized in such a way that businesses can change the way they handle their mail. Well, that was until digital mail was created. The entire industry has one sole goal: change the way your company handles mail.
What is Digital Mail?
Digital mail is a process in which all of your physical mail is scanned and then sent to employees’ emails so they can have digital access to it. Some companies do this in-house but many companies will contract another company to do the scanning part of this for them.
The reason why it’s so common for companies to contract out the scanning process is that it can be a lot cheaper. Companies that specialize in scanning mail, or digital mail services as they are often called, have staff that are specially trained specifically to scan mail as well as top-of-the-line scanners to ensure that you always get the highest possible quality scans of all of your incoming mail.
How Digital Mail Can Help Your Company.
For many companies, digital mail is a godsend. Storage, description, transportation, and making copies of mail are just a few things that the cost of piles up very quickly. Digital mail allows you to cut out all of that because all of the mail is handled digitally by your company. Granted, you may need to get an external hard drive or even a dedicated server to store all of the mail but considering that one terabyte can hold the equivalent of an estimated 85,899,345 pages of word documents or about 250,000 pictures the amount of extra storage you may need is inconsequential, especially if you keep in mind that they make thumb drives that can hold a terabyte of information now.
Space and money aren’t the only things a digital mail can save your company, but also time. Physical mail can be unwieldy, especially for those in your company that do a lot of paper correspondence with customers as well as other businesses. Having all of your mail available in a digital database means that your employees can search through their mail for keywords instead of having to get up and search through their filing cabinet or, even worse, their ever-growing stack of mail to find the exact piece they need. Digital mail also allows you to set up multiple recipients for a single piece of mail so you can always be sure that everyone has the mail piece before the meeting without having to worry about the memo not getting to someone.
Is Digital Mail Right for You?
Digital mail is phenomenal for businesses, but it is understandable that you’ll want to do your research before entering into this kind of agreement. After all, it’s your company’s money you’re spending and you always want to be sure that you’re getting as much bang for your buck as possible. If you’ve already done the research it may be a good time to speak with a sales agent with the company you’ve chosen to make sure that you have all of the answers you need.